Are you looking for a sports bag for your outdoor activities or do some exercises away from your home? You may just want to bring one or two shirts, a pair of shorts, a pair of shoes, a water bottle and a towel when you do a jogging or walking at the park. You may need to bring a towel, a swim goggle, swimwear, underwear and etc when you go for swimming at the public swimming pool or beach. Since you are not bringing too many things, you might just want a medium-sized duffel bag to hand carry your stuff conveniently and easily. I found that Ola Bola Sports Bag is just nice, not too big nor too small. Easy to pack, easy to carry and easy to store!
Now, the great news is that… you can get it now for FREE! When I browsed through the internet and online shopping malls, I found that the market price for this kind of sports bag is around RM30. And now you get it FREE from LAZADA ONLINE REVOLUTION with purchase of MILO promotion bundle which only costs you RM95.
MILO promotion bundle consists of 1 X MILO SOFTPACK 1KG, 1 X MILO 3IN1 30stickpacks, 2 X MILO 3IN1 18stickpack (MILO KOSONG) and 6X MILO CAN ORIGINAL 240ML. (click the picture below and check it out)
Besides getting a FREE Ola Bola Sports Bag, you get one MILO matt for FREE too. WOW! This is a great offer…. you save a lot.
I think it is not necessary for me to mention too much about the benefits of drinking MILO as the drink has existed in the market more than 80 years. Your grandparents also know about MILO. A glass of MILO gives you 50 per cent of your recommended daily calcium, iron and vitamin C intake. It can help building up your strength too, especially for those who like sports.
Even more, Lazada has just launched their Online Revolution starting from 11 November till 12 December 2016. It is the biggest sale in Asia. You can get Lazada voucher “20LAPOR25” to get 20% off. So now, you can get your Milo promotion bundle cheaper than usual.

What are you waiting for? Act now! Bring back your FREE sports bag together with MILO promotion bundle and the matt as well at the most reasonable price from Lazada. Click the below link now and go for it!
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